Lane County Cat Show Attracts a Crowd
Lane County Cat Show Attracts a Crowd EUGENE, Oregon – “Beauty pageants ain’t got nothing on us,” said John Cruikshank as his wife powdered their Maine coon’s face. On March 16-17, the Cat Fanciers’ Association held their annual event at the Lane County Event Center. The event showed over 120 cats and more than 35 different breeds. The energy buzzed as people excitedly looked at cat breeds they had seen hundreds of times and breeds they had never seen before. The event featured competitions such as a costume contest, best of breed, an agility competition and so much more. Mike Slivinski proudly showed his rare and expensive cat the Egyptian Mau. The Egyptian Mau is the fastest breed of cat with a running speed of up to 30 mph. They are also the only naturally spotted cat and are one of the oldest breeds dating back to the pharoah time. “Cleopatra definitely had this cat,” said Slivinski. “A show cat of this breed can cost more than...